Hannah Grace

Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hearing Test #2: Day 35 (1/10/11)

Heidi holding Hannah while I take a shower.

Heidi again with Hannah.  Hannah looks so cute! and so does Heidi!

Valerie taking a turn holding Hannah while mom showers!

Hannah getting ready for her hearing test at Skagit Valley Hosptial

Hannah again waiting for the lady and the hearing test.

Nathan came along when Hannah had her hearing test. He had to be very quiet.

Cassie and Heidi went to a sewing class and this is what Heidi made.

More of Heidi and her place mats she made. 

Nathan is so cute!

Cassie and Heidi wanted Hannah with the place mats.  I love this picture because it shows their love for her!

Terri Lynn loves books.  Here she is laying them all out and picking them up over and over again!

Hannah's Weight: 5lbs 5oz
Hannah's Length: 17 1/4in

Hearing Test#2

Today Hannah had a couple appointments.  The first appointment was at the WIC office in Stanwwod, WA.  Stacey at the WIC office got to meet Hannah.  She weighed Hannah and measured Hannah.  I explained a bit about Trisomy 18.  Stacey was so glad to see Hannah.  Stacey is so sweet and nice.  She got us the breast pump to use.  Stacey is a blessing to us! as our WIC counselor. This appointment was a 12.

The next appointment was in Mount Vernon, WA at 2pm. This appointment is a follow-up hearing test at Skagit Hospital.  Since Hannah did not pass her first hearing test when she was in the NICU (see this post) http://kwantfamilycorner.blogspot.com/2011/07/hannahs-day-4-121010.html    On our way to the hearing test.  I dropped Cassie and Heidi and Valerie off for their sewing class.  While they were at their class, I took Hannah and Nathan with me to the test.  

At the test, we were put in a room and the testing lady got all her stuff ready.  She kept saying, "Hannah needs to be asleep for the  test to be accurate."  I kept praying she'd stay asleep.  I was told to have her in her car seat when she comes because they want her in the car seat for the test.  (I usually leave the car seat in the car and we carry Hannah everywhere).  I was thankful that Hannah was sleeping!  Nathan was told he needs to be very quiet! and my cell phone needed to be turned off.  I snapped a few pictures of Hannah already for the test before I turned off my cell phone.   

The test began and Nathan and I waited and waited and waited some more.  It was long and boring.  The lady got Hannah's right ear to pass the test but she could not get the left ear to pass.  She even tried twice to run the test on her left ear.  I was disappointed but oh well. We still think Hannah is perfect just the way God made her!  Well the testing lady gave me a referral to have Hannah's ears tested at Children's in a couple weeks. 

After her appointment I stopped by to pick the girls up from their sewing class.  Heidi was all excited because her place mats were done! 

Thank you to Dana for the visit and for the loaning of your battery operated breast pump.  I am so so thankful for the used of this breast pump.  I can pump in the van in private and not worry about finding a place to plug the other breast pump!  Dana you have blessed me!

James 3:17 & 18
17But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
 18And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Love, Sandi Kwant (Hannah's mommy)

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