Hannah Grace

Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tests at Children's Hospital: Day 50 (1/25/11)

Hannah in Pake's arms! 
Pake loved loved holding Hannah!
Beppe treasuring time with Hannah!
Hannah already for her EEG.  She was so good as the lady put all these probes on her head. 
Hannah already to get the EEG test on its way.  Hannah only needed to be placed in mommy arms! 
Cassie helping mommy in the nursing room in Children's Hospital. She fed Hannah while I sat near pumping breast milk for Hannah's next feeding!  I am so thankful for Cassie and Hannah!
Here is a picture of Hannah I took while we were waiting for the nurse to call us for Hannah's hip ultrasound.

Tests at Children's Hospital

Today, Beppe and Pake were here!  Yeah!  Beppe made breakfast for us,  while I slept in with Hannah.  What a joy to not have to worry about breakfast!  Hannah has a busy day ahead.  I planned the time I woke up to feed her to the time I had to leave for Children's and the time I could feed Hannah during the time at Children's. 

Cassie, Hannah and I left for Children's at 11am.  I like to give myself extra time to get to Children's because of traffic and I like to leave myself extra time to find a parking spot for my big white van.  I took Cassie along with today so she could help me feed Hannah in the van and at Children's.   While I was driving down to Seattle, I was pumping breast milk. and Cassie was feeding Hannah with her feeding pump. 

We got to Children's in plenty of time to get parked and checked in.  Hannah's EEG appointment is scheduled for 12:30pm and her hip ultrasound in scheduled for 3pm.   We were given a pager and told where to wait.  Which happened to be at the lunch room.  I had packed a lunch to Cassie and I so we ate lunch while we waited for the pager to call us.  I was not sure if Cassie could come in the room with Hannah and I during the test.  It turns out she could not so she sat in the lunchroom reading and crocheting.  I told Cassie we'd be gone for about an hour.  But it ended up to be an hour and a half.

During the EEG test, Hannah was prepped with all these probes on her head.  Then she was to lay in my arms hopefully sleep a while and hopefully be awake for a while too.  Hannah did awesome during the test. We had a really nice friendly lady doing the test.  She talked with me for a while.  Hannah had to be tested for 1 hour with the probes on.  It was interesting to me also they also video taped Hannah just so they could be able to watch her during the test.  The test was to see if she had seizure activity. 

After the test was done, Hannah's head had to be washed.  They had marked her head up with a red colored marker so they knew exactly where the probes needed to go.  What an interesting thing to watch.  So soon as Hannah and I were excused to go.  WE went hunting Cassie down.  I got worried a bit when Cassie was not sitting at the table we had left her at.  What happened was Cassie really needed to use the bathroom so while she was gone someone took her table.  She found another place to sit while waiting for Hannah and mommy. 

Hannah needed to be fed now since the EEG test was done and the hip ultrasound appointment was going to happen soon.  Cassie and I went up to the mother's room.  It was a nice private room for nursing and pumping moms.  While in this room Cassie fed Hannah and I pumped milk for Hannah. 

We then went downstairs and checked into the radiology clinic and then sat and waited for Hannah's name to be called.  We grabbed a set of playing cards and played war while we waited.  It did not take very long for Hannah's name to be called.  The hip ultrasound was so easy and pain free for Hannah.  It did not take long and it was so easy as a mom to watch as your baby is not crying or fussing.  She pretty much slept through the whole test. 

We will be waiting for a few days to here the results of the 2 tests.  We then headed home.  I decided that Hannah and I needed to wait and extra 30 minutes to feed and pump so I could sit in my comfortable chair and hold Hannah.  Holding Hannah helps me to be able to produce more milk.  Beppe made dinner for us. 

It was a good day!  What a joy to have Hannah!  I love you!  You are not a burden! 

Proverbs 3:1-8

My son, do not forget my law,
But let your heart keep my commands;
2 For length of days and long life
And peace they will add to you.
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
4 And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and depart from evil.
8 It will be health to your flesh,

  And strength to your bones.

Love, Sandra Kwant (Hannah's mommy)

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