Hannah Grace

Hannah Grace
Hannah Grace

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Day the NG Tube Gets Plugged! Day 21 (12/27/10)

Terri Lynn loving on Hannah

Terri Lynn is so happy to be holding her baby sister!

Here is a picture of Hannah after the tube got put back in. If you look carefully at the tape on her face. You can see it is different than the previous picture.  I know Hannah's eyes look funny, oh well it's a memory! 

Hannah's weight: 4lbs 10oz (doctor)

The Day the NG Tube Gets Plugged!

Today was a big day of memory for us in many ways:

First, Uncle Robert and Aunt Holli are still here visiting for the whole day.  My children had so much fun playing with the cousins!  What a blessing to our family to have them here for another day! 

Second,  Hannah had her third doctor visit to see our pediatrician, Dr. Levine.  It was a huge appointment as she is now 3 weeks old so Dr. Levine got to thinking Hannah's doing well we better offer some things to help her life be of better quality.  I was thrilled to have the doctor see Hannah as doing so well and wanting her to have a better life.  Dr. Levine is going to refer her for Occupational Therapy for her hands, hips, muscle tone and just helping her body strength. He is also referring her to Speech Therapy for feeding therapy so she will be able to eat on her own with the goal of getting rid of the NG tube!  Dr. Levine also said he did not hear a heart murmur.  I was so excited because that could mean her VSD (hole in her heart) was closing!  Dr. Levine noticed her belly button was still oozing, (as he was looking at it), he said there was a piece of her cord still there.  He treated that piece of cord so it would completely dry up.  (This did not hurt Hannah!)  I walked out of Hannah's appointment for once encouraged and not discouraged!  I was thanking God all the way home! 

Third, It was 3pm, time to feed Hannah.  I get all set up, get my breast milk in her feeding bag, get her milk warmed up, get my pumping supplies all ready, get Hannah's feeding pump ready, get all set up on my couch ready to feed.  I needed to do one last thing before I hook up the feeding tube to the pump.  I needed put a syringe on the end of her NG tube and pull back so I can make sure I see milk from her tummy and make sure the NG tube in still in the proper place in her tummy.  I do this and I can suck anything up!  What do I do?  I keep trying!  I get more and more scared wondering what's going on here!  I decided I needed to call the company that provided the pump. They say maybe the NG tube that is in your babies nose is plugged!  I needed to try to unplug it by putting in warm water into the syringe and trying to push it into Hannah's tummy.  Well, I tried and tried to get the water to go into her tummy but it wouldn't go in.  I was, Oh No!  That means I will need to put a new tube into her nose!  She needs to eat!  It has now been at least 3 hours and 30 minutes!  I panacing in my mind what can I do!  Aunt Holli and Uncle Robert were here too all worried about Hannah also!.  I decided to call my friend Marcie! She is a good friend and we have done alot of talking through my pregnancy and she just happens to be a nurse in the special care nursery at the hospital.  She puts NG tubes in for her job!  What answer to prayer that God brought Marcie to my mind.  I found her phone number and gave her a call, She was home!  Another answer to prayer!  She said she'd be there right away!  It took 20 long minutes for Marcie to get here!  I was just so concerned about Hannah as it was time to eat.  I was more concerned than Hannah as she was just sleeping so peaceful and totally oblivious to the fear that filled her home!   Once Marcie got into our home, she completely fell in love with Hannah!  She loved on Hannah for a bit! Then she got to work at putting a new tube in Hannah's nose!  She got the tube into Hannah without trouble but not without tears from Hannah.  Hannah was crying and I really wanted to hold her but there was some things that Marcie still needed to do.  She needed to get the tube taped to her face.  (I told Marcie just get it on don't worry about it being pretty!)  Then Marcie needed to make sure the tube was into her tummy.  It took a little while as Hannah was noisly crying and Marcie had to hear the poof of air going into her tummy.  Once everything was done I scooped up Hannah into my arms gave Marcie a big hug and sent her off.  I once again got things ready for her feeding, heating up her milk, sitting down, getting the pump hooked up and the breast pump ready.  Finally, Hannah got milk into her tummy 1 hour 30 minutes late!   I don't think Aunt Holli  and Marcie will ever forget the day Hannah's tube got plugged!

Thank you Lord that Marcie was home!  Thank you Lord that it was only a plugged tube, Thank you Lord Hannah's doctor's appointment was so encouraging, Thank you Lord Uncle Robert and Aunt Holli got to be here.

Thank you to Robert, Holli, Bradley, Ryan, Andrew, Emma, Marcie, Traci for your visit. I'm so thankful you got to meet and hold Hannah.

Romans 12: 13&14
 13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse

Love, Sandi Kwant (Hannah's mommy)

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